Agents Guide Tips and Tricks

Guide About Controller Agents and their Abilities After Patch 5.02 Updates

Guide About Controller Agents and their Abilities After Patch 5.02 Updates
Written by vlkey

Valorant is the best tactical shooter game with its stay-tuned core mechanics to the genre. Valorant is also popular due to his characters, which gives the game a class look to these characters known as Agents. Every agent had different abilities, roles and designs. No matter your preference for gameplay or selection, there is an Agent for everyone.

There are 19 Valorant Agents in the game; these are divided into four types. These types are known as Controller, Sentinel, Initiator and Duelist. 

  • Controller : Brimstone, Viper, Omen, Astra, 
  • Sentinel    : Killjoy, Cypher, Sage, Chamber
  • Initiator    : Sova, Breach, Skye, KAY/O, Fade
  • Duelist     : Phoenix, Jett, Reyna, Raze, Yoru, Neon

Controllers block enemy sight lines and help teams stop an enemy push or entering the site. 

Sentinel are defenders played at the back line to help their team. 

Initiators get enemy intel and find enemy moments to help their team. 

Duelists are also known as attackers, pushing forward in conflicts with enemy teams. 

Today we are talking about only controller agents in detail. We try to cover everything about them so you can understand them better in the game. 


Brimstone is the best controller agent over Omen and Astra in many maps. The agent is of United States origin. Brimstone smoke lasts about 20 seconds which helps your team to stop an enemy push or enter a site by blocking an enemy line. Brimstone grenade launcher stops spike defuses, which last for seven seconds and can be bounced off the walls. The Ultimate of brimstone can clear a part of the map or kill the enemy when they plant or defuse the spike. 

Stim Beacon | 200 Credits | 1 Charge

Stim Beacon helps to increase agents’ and teammates’ fire rates. 

Incendiary | 250 Credits | 1 Charge

Incendiary is a grenade launcher which detonates when it hits the floor it can bounce off walls and create a floor into a fire zone that damages players within the zone.

Sky Smoke | 100 Credits | 3 Charges

You can set one or multiple locations on a map to land the sky smoke, which blocks vision and lasts for 20 seconds.

Ultimate | Orbital Strike | 7 Points

Select the area on the map, and a lingering orbital strike lease hits the area and those who come to that radius deal high damage. 


If you love the lineup in Valorant, Viper is the best controller agent you can select. Viper of United States origin uses the Toxic Screen, Poison Cloud and Viper pit to reduce enemy HP and their push. Viper is designed to throw his Poison Cloud onto map geometry from one way to another. Viper Pit allows Viper to hold the entire site by himself and reduce HP when he enters Viper Pit and may be easily killed with a single headshot due to low HP. Viper can stay out of the Viper Pit for 15 seconds. 

Toxic Screen | Free | 1 Charge

Toxic screens create a wall which blocks enemy vision and reduces HP if they touch it. Viper can put down or up her Toxic Screen for her need.

Snake Bite | 200 Credits | 2 Charges

Snakebite is used to throw poison which slows down enemies or damages them. 

Poison Cloud | 200 Credits | 1 Charge

The Poison Cloud is used to create a toxic gas cloud that Viper can reuse or pick up to redeploy to another location. 

Ultimate | Viper’s Pit |  7 Points

It’s a chemical cloud in all directions around Viper, reducing enemies’ vision and health. 


Omen is a powerful controller agent in the game, bringing tons of value to his team. Paranoia is one of the best flashbang abilities in Valorant. Paranoia can be thrown through walls and blind opponents. Omen can change his location by teleporting using his Shrouded Step abilities. Omen Ultimate is used to teleport from one point to another on a map; Omen can cancel teleport mid-way and collect enemy intel. 

Shrouded Step | 100 Credits | 2 Charges

With these abilities, Omen can teleport to a marked point and change their location in a fast way. 

Paranoia | 300 Credits | 1 Charge

Flash which can be throwable through walls and reduce the vision range of enemy

Dark Cover | 150 Credits | 2 Charges | 30s Cooldown

Omen can use shadow orb to block enemy sightlines and can be deployed in phasers or normal modes. 

Ultimate | From The Shadows | 7 Points

Omen can teleport to selective locations and appear as a shadow that can destroy the enemy, or he can cancel his teleport to collect intel for a fake to fool the enemy. 


Astra is one of the unique agents in valorant. Astra origin is Ghana. Astra uses stars and places anywhere on the map. These stars can be turned into different astra abilities like smoke with Nebula, concussion blast, and gravity pull. She also divides the map into two parts by using her cosmic divide ultimate. 

Gravity Well | 1 Charge | 25s Cooldown

Active a star to create a Gravity Well. The player can be pulled toward the centre before it explodes.

Nova Pulse | 1 Charge | 45s Cooldown

Active a Star to detonate a Nova Pulse. The Nove Pulse charges strike and concusses all players in the area.

Nebula/Dissipate | 2 Charges | 25s Cooldown

Nebula/Dissipate is a vision blocker ability of Astra, which can be used by activating a star.

Astral Form | 150 Credits | 4 Stars

Active to enter the Astral Form, where you can place stars with Primary Fire. Stars can be active later and transform into Nova Pulse, Nebula or Gravity Well. 

 Ultimate | Cosmic Divide | 7 points

The Cosmic Divide is used to divide into two parts by using stars to point them in two locations. Cosmic Divide blocks bullets and audio completely 

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